Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master Computer Science: Frédéric Boudon, Guillaume Cerutti, Christophe Godin, Christophe Pradal and David Vanderhaege and Loïc Barthe [IRIT, Toulouse], Computer graphics, 45h, M2, University Montpellier, France.

  • Master Computer Science: Christophe Godin, Frédéric Boudon, Computational and Discrete Geometry and graphics, 15h, M1, University Montpellier, France.

  • Master Functional Plant Biology: Christophe Godin, Introduction to plant modeling, 25h, M2, University Montpellier, France.

  • Master Life Sciences (IMaLiS): module co-organized by Patrick Lemaire and Christophe Godin, Animal and Vegetal Morphogenesis, 6 days, 4 h + TD supervision every afternoon, ENS Paris, Montpellier, France.

  • Master Functional Plant Biology: Christophe Godin, Phyllotaxis class in a module on Mathematical modeling in biology, 4h, M2, University Montpellier, France.

  • Master Functional Bioinformatics: Christophe Godin and Patrick Lemaire (Coordination O. Radulescu), Modeling in biology, 5h, M2, University Montpellier, France.

  • Master Biostatistics: Yann Guédon and Pierre Fernique, Stochastic processes, 32h, M2, University Montpellier, France.

  • Master Bioinformatique - Biomathématiques: Christophe Godin, iPlant, Modeling organ development, 4h, M2, Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD), Dakar, Senegal.

  • Master Plant Breeding: Christophe Pradal, Plant modelling, 4h, M2, Project CultiVar, University Montpellier, France.

  • Engineering Degree: SupAgro Montpellier. Christophe Pradal and Christian Fournier. "Introduction to modelling" (1st year, 12h).


  • PhD in progress : Anne Schneider, "Modeling branching in Roses", Angers University, Jessica Bertheloo, C. Godin, F. Boudon.

  • PhD in progress : Hadrien Oliveri, "Mechanical modeling of organ growth", Montpellier University, C. Godin, J traas and O. Ali.

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Louis Dinh, "Coupling flux and growth models in plant development", Nottingham University, C. Hodgman, C. Godin.

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Philippe Bernard, "Meshless methods for organ development", Montpellier University, C. Godin, B. Gilles.

  • PhD in progress : Severine Persello, "Structural-Functional modeling of yield and fruit quality build-up of the mango, and integration of the effects of cultural practices", Montpellier University, F. Normand, I. Grechi, F. Boudon.

  • PhD : Beatriz Moreno-Ortega, Developmental instability in lateral roots of maize: a multi-scale analysis, Montpellier SupAgro, December 12th 2016, Betrand Muller, Yann Guédon.

  • PhD : Sixtine Passot, Exploring pearl millet root system and its outcome for drought tolerance, Montpellier University, September 30th 2016, Laurent Laplaze, Yann Guédon.

  • PhD in progress : Marc Labadie, Study of the alternation between vegetative and floral development in strawberry: spatio-temporal architecture and analysis of key flowering genes, Bordeaux University, Béatrice Denoyes, Yann Guédon.


  • Christophe Godin was the Opponent of Beruz Bozorg, June, University of Lund, Sweden, a member of the PhD Jury of Gaël Michelin, October University Cote d'Azur, Président of the PhD Jury of Sam Caullodin, December ENS-Lyon. He also participated in the PhD committees of Adrien Corot (AgroparisTech), Léo Serra (AgroParisTech) and Mathilde Dumond (ENS-Lyon).

  • Yann Guédon was referee of Philippe Cuvillier PhD: On temporal coherency of probabilistic models for audio-to-score alignment, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, December 15th 2016, Arshia Cont (supervisor).